hey~it's been long time~hahaha busy ku nyamoooo~hahaha anyway ku manang basar ku mlm ani~now arh master alim's pool~wohooo~ i win 4-0 hahaha~sorry wann~luan panasss ku aaa~hahahaha xP thats all~nanti g ku update~chowww
Fun work day arh KPH~xP
After that kami makannn arh mamih~hahaha waitress nya ani 'mjual ulat bulu' tia plg~hahaha kami pun layan sjaaa..haha ytah otw makan atu,c safwan tagur arh ku ada bekas teacher ku makan juaa.sekalinya ku tuleh blakang atuu.....jenng jeng jenggg~~~~sir shaneee rupa nyaa.the 2nd best teacher in our class,art plg gnya tu~haha ku tantang ia~haha xP
After we eat aa,aku n aim tagur sir shane aa,just talking kosong jaa~haha then ku ke kedai kejap membali kn coffee tongkat ali utk babu,tjumpa ku durng c noh and c mai..haha my best workmate bnr ne durng aa~haha lau ngam satu shift ku sma iaaa,menganaaa baibunnn nya~hahaha
and thats what i did for today in work~ahahahaha im a terrible worker~huhahahaha n esuk sja ku liat kn my slippers~xP laterrr
Posted by ZeeM Ahmad at 9:53 PG 0 comments
assignment done~~Final exam fever~~
fuhhh~i've done my assignment~gila in a week ku mbuat 3 assignment yang mesti d siap kan~haha if inda, gila jdi nya~hahaha ytah jdi pengajaran neeee. Pengajaran nya ialah : BUAT ASSIGNMENT ATU AWAL AWAL!JGN D BIAR LAST LAST MINIT!!NAHH~ APA DAH JADI??BURUK PLG ASSIGNMENT AA!!~hahaha anyway assignment done,final exam lagi yg kn d pkir kn ne~on april ane start tia ku punya final exam for 3 subject. haha mcm budak A level plg ne~haha xP so gonna start my studying ne before exam aa~ITS A MUST!!!
Posted by ZeeM Ahmad at 6:37 PG 0 comments
PC ku rosakk. . . . .
hey guys~been 3 days ku nda update my blog ani. busy busy buat assignment~ahahaha and also pc ku rosak aa. . . after ku buat assignment, at 2am kx, ku shut down mcm biasa then in the morning, nda dpt booting aa pc ku aa~power nya ON sudah but arh monitor atu blank gnya. . . .ytah kusut ku bnr ku~hahaha ku cabut RAM ku apa smua,then ku smbung balik, still jua nda mau.ytah mbari sasak nyamooo~assignment ku lagi d sna~gila jua tu~now ku pksa mbuat arh lappy ba~fuhh~im so drastically paning. paninggg.. . .. haha nda apa la~anggap kn itu satu pengajaran................alummmm huahahahaha 'bubble' ku ani~haha anyway thats all for today~i'll be back after siap assignment ku~with lots of pictures~huahahaha laterrr
Posted by ZeeM Ahmad at 8:55 PTG 0 comments
I Love This Playlist~x]
Final Fantasy Soundtracks (Orchestra & Piano)
If anyone knows Final Fantasy, u gonna love this. its a playlist with 91 OST of final fantasy~~omg i love it!! n moreee, its on ORCHESTRA & PIANO!!woooooo~~enjoy~~
Posted by ZeeM Ahmad at 9:31 PTG 0 comments
bored bored bored~
What If Your Ex Ask this..?
you have to answer the survey
with an honest heart.
An honest heart
will give you good luck for the entire
You may imagine of one people or
maybe some people not only one.
it, "What if your ex says" referring to you!!!
1. Why did you let me go?
; wait wait wait!~ let u go?? hahaha u want to know?search it for yourself.i give u a hint : 'u and him'
2. I still love you.
; really?? thank you.......*whisper*fuck off~
3. When did we last talk?
; ummm i cant really remmember......owh yeahh!! i didnt talk to u~cause im running low on $$$.u know why?financial problem~
4. Will you go out with me?
; sureee~lets go to the mall, 3rd floor so i can push u there downnn to ground floor xD
6. I cannot keep my promise to you.
; haha great~to be honest me too~xD but u did it in the 1st place~WAIT!!! 1st place?? it should the 6th times~xD
7. My friends say we don't look good together..
; yeah~i know~my friends too say we don't look good together. . . . . .(ur da wild one~)
8. You have changed.
; changed in what?? my body maintain it size~my atitude?? yup~thanks~im feelin great now~xD
9. Can we get back together?
; . . . . . . . . . . what was that again??. . . . . . . . . what??. . . . . . . . . i cant hear you~~. . . . . . .owhh~~no(what the hell is she talking about?)
10. Oh, I know what this is all about. You found someone else.
; 1st of all,u dun know nothing about me right now~2nd, yup~i found someone else ummmm but we're just friend~friends never be forget, but u~ahemmm yup i can forget~hahahaha
11. Don't you realize? You are the one who hurt me!
; yuppp~thanks~
12. how can u forget our memories??
; brainwashed~~~
13. I will always love you.
; lets skip this one~the word 'love' from u is not affecting me~
14. Would you die for our love?
; hahaha i'll let u die 1st~
15. You jump, i jump..remember?
; owh yea~thats when we gonna ma..........~forget this shit~im satisfied~xP
16. Kiss me to break the curse if i sleep for a hundred years.
; sureee~then i knock ur head giving u another hundred years of sleep~(ur gonna be 117 years old, bkradut dh tu geng)
17. Whats the difference between me and Him/Her.
; difference??u bakaa n she's smokin hot~~wooo
18. I saw you last night with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
; yakaa?? its not me. . . . . . .ok ~i lied~
19. Without me, your life wouldn't be complete.
; my life is already complete~u bakaa~
20. Why are you doing this to me!?
; why??as long as i live in this world,i'll be huntingg youuu~wuuuuu wuuuu hehehehe wuuuuu~~~~cut the crap~haha because of 4 smart words~i dunt luf yu~
I WAS BORED!!! OK??!!~~im just doing my assignment n i was bored n i saw this on my facebook, so i made one~just to show how i felt to someone that already past away in my love~hahaha so there u go~enjoyyy~
Posted by ZeeM Ahmad at 10:07 PTG 0 comments
Friday night family gathering~
patut nya ku ada class ba d mlm atu.skx ada urg call from the college saying that theres no class. aku pun mcm malas tiaa cause every friday night grenti ke rumah grandparents like always friday night,boring ba d sna tu. but yg last night ani, IT WAS A BLAST!! siuk beb~mcm nda prnah ku rasa kn ba~hahaha apakann. ada catering yo~catering nya dlm krita baa~haha
anyway thats all for yg dmlm. i give the updates later. xD
Posted by ZeeM Ahmad at 11:51 PTG 0 comments